New Year, Newish You.

Welcome to the new year! 2018, 10 days in. It is a time of reflection and a little scrambling to ensure that your goals and resolutions happen. What a whirlwind! Are you ready?! I finally am, just in time.

For the last few years instead of making a New Year resolution I’ve chosen a word. I told everyone who would listen about choosing a word that encapsulates your goals for the year. This year it’s finally caught on! It’s so exciting. Especially since I swear I have only ever read the one article about choosing a word instead of setting a resolution. That was years ago. If anyone comes across one please share! My word for 2018 is Enjoy. So far so good.

I have made a commitment to keep my word in mind as I live my life. 2017 was a doozy. I’ve learned my lessons and see my progress enough to make a sound decision in choosing my word. Enjoy! That’s a journey I’m looking forward to. Here are some of my takeaways. Feel free…

Grand gestures aren’t necessary. Embrace mindfulness and reflection and you’re sure to find the best part of each day. I have been journaling about it. What a difference perspective makes.

Releasing the things that no longer serve your purpose. For a year I actively engaged in attempting to build something that was not for me. Letting it go has allowed me to focus on activities that feed me and encompass my word.

Setting high reachable goals that requires effort and ends with enjoyable rewards. Check your progress often. Watching your growth is a great way to keep momentum, preventing you from attempting to or wanting to give up. You’ve come a long way baby!

Balance. It is an art, art classes are taught in elementary school. It is not rocket science to set priorities and put them in order of importance. The most important is self-care. Balancing self-care and things to do is imperative to a healthy, happy, and productive life. One that is … Enjoyable.

From the bottom of heart and at the top of my lungs have a happy and productive 2018. I wish you much success.




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